International Standards Chains

Under trademarks   , All chains are manufactured to conform with international standards. With proper inspection and safety procedure, the standards specified types, sizes and tolerances, material with required mechanical properties and manufacture, criteria for conformity , requirements, sampling and testing for breaking Strength, for breaking force, for elongation, for proof load, for hardness and for bending deflection. Chain specification tables are currently provided for consumers to select the most appropriate choice for their applications. We would be very pleasured to advise any enquiry you may have to support your selection for properly size, grade and use.

The trademark   represents for steel chain/alloy steel chain which are manufactured to meet international standards such as American Standard Of Testing Material, Japanese Industrial Standard, European Standard and Australian Standard etc. The specifications of these standards of practice for chain are as following.

International Standards Chains

American Standard

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International Standards Chains

Japanese Standard

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International Standards Chains

European Standard

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International Standards Chains

Australian Standard

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